We also work with external experts, including the DatooX Safety Advisory Board, to discuss and improve our policies and enforcement around online safety issues, especially with regard to children. Learn more about the technology we’re using to fight against child exploitation.
Child sexual exploitation
Content, activity, or interactions that threaten, depict, praise, support, provide instructions for, make statements of intent, admit participation in, or share links of the sexual exploitation of children (including real minors, toddlers, or babies, or non-real depictions with a human likeness, such as in art, AI-generated content, fictional characters, dolls, etc). This includes but is not limited to:
Content that solicits sexual content or activity depicting or involving children, defined as:
Content that solicits sexual encounters with children
Inappropriate interactions with children
Content that constitutes or facilitates inappropriate interactions with children, such as:
Exploitative intimate imagery and sextortion
Content that attempts to exploit real children by:
Sexualization of children
Child nudity
Content that depicts real or non-real child nudity where nudity is defined as:
Non-sexual child abuse
Videos or photos that depict real or non-real non-sexual child abuse regardless of sharing intent, unless the imagery is from real-world art, cartoons, movies or video games
Content that praises, supports, promotes, advocates for, provides instructions for or encourages participation in non-sexual child abuse
For the following content, we include a warning label so that people are aware that the content may be sensitive:
We may remove imagery depicting the aftermath of non-sexual child abuse when reported by news media partners, NGOs, or other trusted safety partners.
We may remove content that identifies alleged victims of child sexual exploitation through means other than name or image if content includes information that is likely to lead to the identification of the individual.
We may remove content created for the purpose of identifying a private minor if there is a risk to the minor’s safety, when requested by Law Enforcement, Government, Trusted Partner, or the content is self-reported by the minor or the minor’s parent/legal guardian